5R423 Keilrippenriemen
Größen dimensions:5PK1725 EAN-Barcode: 4036021854236
O.E.M. Nummern
Gates 58423
Gates 5PK1720
Hersteller / Modell / Hubraum Motornummer    KW    PS Baujahr Bemerkung
ALPINE A610 3.0 TURBO 184 250 01.1991-04.1995  
BMW ALPINA B. BOVENSIEPEN B3 (E36) 3.0 184 250 04.1993-12.1995  5PK1725 Generator
MERCEDES-BENZ A-Klasse (W168) A 160 CDI OM 668 55 75 02.2001-08.2004  5PK1725 Generator With air conditioning
MERCEDES-BENZ A-Klasse (W168) A 170 CDI OM 668 70 95 02.2001-08.2004  5PK1725 Generator With air conditioning
MERCEDES-BENZ A-Klasse (W168) A 170 CDI OM 668.940 66 90 02.1999-03.2001  5PK1725 Generator With air conditioning
MERCEDES-BENZ A-Klasse (W168) A 160 CDI OM 668.941 44 60 02.1999-03.2001  5PK1725 Generator With air conditioning