5R408 Keilrippenriemen
Größen dimensions:5PK1538
O.E.M. Nummern
Gates 58408ES
Hersteller / Modell / Hubraum Motornummer    KW    PS Baujahr Bemerkung
RENAULT TRUCKS CBH-Serie CBH 320, 6x6 MIDR 06.35.40 236 321 10.1992-->  5PK1538 Generator 92-08/95 For 4X2, 6X4, 6X6 without power take-off without air conditioning
RENAULT TRUCKS CBH-Serie CBH 385, 6x6 MIDR 06.35.40 283 385 10.1992-->  5PK1538 Generator 92-08/95 For 4X2, 6X4, 6X6 without power take-off without air conditioning
RENAULT TRUCKS CLM-Serie CLM 320 T MIDR 06.35.40 236 321 10.1992-->  5PK1538 Generator 92-08/95 For 4X2, 6X4, 6X6 without power take-off without air conditioning
RENAULT TRUCKS CLM-Serie CLM 385 T MIDR 06.35.40 283 385 10.1992-->  5PK1538 Generator 92-08/95 For 4X2, 6X4, 6X6 without power take-off without air conditioning
RENAULT TRUCKS Magnum AE 385 MIDR 06.35.40 283 385 02.1992-10.1996  5PK1538 Generator For compressor 1 cylinder with alternator PARIS RHONE
RENAULT TRUCKS Magnum AE 420 MIDR 06.35.40 305 415 10.1992-12.1996  5PK1538 Generator For compressor 1 cylinder with alternator PARIS RHONE
RENAULT TRUCKS Major R 385 ti MIDR 06.35.40 283 385 05.1991-12.1996  5PK1538 Generator 90-08/95
RENAULT TRUCKS Major R 420 ti MIDR 06.35.40 305 415 04.1992-10.1996  5PK1538 Generator 93-08/95